Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM)

Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM)


  • The Mission strives to develop effective institutional platforms for the rural poor, enabling them to boost household income through greater access to financial services and long-term improvements in their means of subsistence.

  • Deendayal Antayodaya Yojana (DAY-NRLM) was the new name given to the initiative in November 2015.

  • Through self-managed Self Help Groups (SHGs) and federated institutions, NRLM has set out on a mission to support livelihood collectives for 7 Crore Rural Poor Households across 600 Districts, 6000 Blocks, 2.5 lakh Gramme Panchayats, and 6 lakh Villages in the country over an 8–10 year period.

  • Additionally, the poor would benefit from improved social empowerment indicators and expanded access to their rights, entitlements, and public services, as well as diversified risk.
  • In order to help the poor participate in the nation's expanding economy, NRLM thinks that the poor should have access to resources such as information, knowledge, skills, tools, financing, and collectivization.

DAY – NRLM Mission

“To reduce poverty by enabling poor households to access gainful self-employment and skilled wage employment opportunities, which will result in appreciable improvement in the livelihoods of the poor on a sustainable basis through the building of strong grassroots level institutions.

Read: List of Government schemes

DAY – NRLM – Guiding Principles

  • The underprivileged are innately capable and have a strong desire to escape poverty.

  • For the impoverished to fully realise their potential, social mobilisation and the development of robust institutions are essential.
  • The social mobilisation, institution-building, and empowerment processes must be sparked by an external, sensitive, and committed support system.
  • This upward mobility is supported by facilitating the transfer of knowledge, the development of skills, access to credit, access to marketing, and access to other services for earning a living.

DAY – NRLM Values

    The following are the NRLM's guiding principles for all of its endeavours:

    • Include the poorest and give them a meaningful role in all procedures.

    • All procedures and institutions should be open and accountable.

    • Ownership and a crucial part played by the poor and their institutions at all phases, including planning, carrying out, and monitoring

    • Self-sufficiency and community reliance

    • Progressive Implementation

    • Breakdown per year of the districts and blocks covered according to NRLM.

    Key Features

    Universal Social Mobilisation –

      • In an efficient manner, at least one woman member from each identified rural poor household is to be included to the Self Help Group (SHG) network.
      • Particularly vulnerable tribal groups (PVTGs), people with disabilities (PwDs), bonded labourers, manual scavengers, human trafficking victims, and other vulnerable communities are given special attention.
      • NRLM has developed unique outreach plans to connect with these communities and assist them in escaping poverty.

      Participatory Identification of Poor (PIP) –

        • The inclusion of the target group under NRLM is decided by a well-defined, open, and fair process of community-level, participatory identification of the poor.
        • All households classified as low-income through the PIP process fall under the NRLM Target Group and are therefore eligible for all benefits offered by the programme.
        • Using the Participatory Identification of Poor (PIP) technique, the target group is identified.
        • De-linking from the BPL occurs for the NRLM Target Group (NTG) obtained by the PIP.

        Community Funds as Resources in Perpetuity –

          Revolving Fund (RF) and Community Investment Fund (CIF) are resources provided permanently by NRLM to institutions serving the underprivileged in order to improve their institutional and financial management capabilities and establish a solid foundation for obtaining financing from traditional banks.

          National Rural Livelihood Mission

          Financial Inclusion –

          • The supply and demand sides of financial inclusion are both addressed by NRLM. On the demand side, it helps the underprivileged become more financially literate and gives the SHGs and their federations catalytic capital.

          • On the supply side, the Mission works in tandem with the financial industry to promote the use of ICT-based financial systems, business correspondents, and community facilitators like "Bank Mitras," as well as other supply-side strategies.

          • It also seeks to provide all rural residents with protection from the risk of losing their lives, their health, or their possessions. It also focuses on remittances, especially in regions where migration is common.


          The three pillars of NRLM are:

          • Vulnerability reduction
          • "Livelihoods enhancement" involves enhancing/deepening/expanding current alternatives for subsistence and using fresh prospects in ag and non-ag industries;
          • "Employment" refers to developing skills for the outside work market, and "Enterprises" refers to encouraging self-employed and entrepreneurial individuals (for micro-enterprises).

          Convergence and partnerships-


          • Convergence between NRLM's programmes and those of the MoRD and other Central Ministries is highly valued.

          • In order to create direct or indirect synergies with institutions serving the disadvantaged, convergence is also sought with state government projects.

          Partnerships with NGOs and other CSOs-

          • On both a strategic and execution level, NRLM has been actively looking for partnerships with NGOs and other CSOs.

          • The fundamental principles and objectives of NRLM, as well as an understanding of the procedures and goals, serve as the framework for the relationships.

          • This year has seen the completion and approval of partnership guidelines for NGOs and CSOs.

          Linkages with PRIs-

              • Given the important roles played by Panchayat Raj Institutions (PRIs), it is important to actively build and promote a cooperative working relationship between Panchayats and institutions serving the poor, especially at the level of Village Panchayats.

              • To share mutual advice, support, and resource sharing, formal venues would be set up for ongoing dialogues between these institutions and PRIs.

              Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

              National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM)
              National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM)

              1. What is the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana – National Rural Livelihood Mission (DAY-NRLM)?

              DAY-NRLM is a flagship program under the Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana aimed at alleviating poverty and empowering rural women through skill development, capacity building, and providing sustainable livelihood opportunities.

              2. When was DAY-NRLM launched, and by whom?

              DAY-NRLM was launched on June 3, 2011, by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.

              3. What is the primary objective of DAY-NRLM?

              The primary objective of DAY-NRLM is to promote self-employment and organize rural poor women into self-help groups (SHGs) to enable them to take charge of their own development and improve their quality of life.

              4. How does DAY-NRLM empower rural women?

              DAY-NRLM empowers rural women by providing them with skill development training, enhancing their decision-making abilities, and promoting entrepreneurship through the formation of SHGs.

              5. What is the role of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) in DAY-NRLM?

              SHGs play a crucial role in DAY-NRLM as they act as a platform for rural women to come together, pool resources, and access financial support for income-generating activities.

              6. How does DAY-NRLM provide financial support to SHGs?

              DAY-NRLM supports SHGs by facilitating bank linkages, ensuring that SHG members can access credit and financial services to start or expand their livelihood activities.

              7. Who is the target audience of DAY-NRLM?

              The target audience of DAY-NRLM includes the rural poor, especially women, who are living below the poverty line.

              8. What are the key components of DAY-NRLM?

              The key components include social mobilization, capacity building, livelihood promotion, financial inclusion, and building community institutions for sustainable development.

              9. How does DAY-NRLM contribute to rural livelihood development?

              DAY-NRLM contributes to rural livelihood development by promoting diversified and sustainable income-generating activities, enhancing skills, and facilitating access to financial resources.

              10. Is DAY-NRLM implemented at the national level?

              Yes, DAY-NRLM is a national-level program, implemented across all states and union territories of India.

              11. How can individuals or communities get involved in DAY-NRLM?

              Individuals or communities interested in participating in DAY-NRLM can contact local authorities, block development officers, or visit the official website for more information on the application and enrollment process.

              12. What is the impact of DAY-NRLM on poverty alleviation in rural areas?

              DAY-NRLM has had a positive impact on poverty alleviation by creating sustainable livelihoods, improving income levels, and empowering rural women to actively participate in the development process.

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