Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team (Essay 2023)

Thinking is like a game, it does not begin unless there is an opposite team.

Approach : 

  • Thinking as a human nature.
  • Features of thinking as a GAME – connecting thinking to a game.
  • Game is based on competition. 
  • Various dimensions to connect.

Thesis - 

Similar to a game, thinking starts with a competition between opposing viewpoints or challenging situations.

Philosophical basis: the dialectics theory advanced by Hegel.


  • Thinking clearly is a strategy for solving issues.
  • Thinking about anything or reflecting.
  • Examining and judging available choices
  • Goal-oriented conduct.
  • Every activity involves thinking, whether it's picking out a garment to wear or answering a math problem.

Historical Examples:

The transition of mankind from hunter-gatherers to sedentary humans was shaped by adversities, challenges, and demands from prehistoric to modern times. Examples:

  • Early on, humans began to live in bands to defend themselves from predators and other threats; this was the beginning of a community or civilization.

  • Modern: During the National Movement, large swaths of the Indian subcontinent banded together to oppose the British government's repressive policies.

Examples from Different Dimensions

  • Individual: In our day-to-day lives, competition influences everything we do, from minor choices like picking out a dress to important ones like choosing our careers.
  • Societal: Ex: In response to the threat of conversions and the fear of westernization, the Arya Samaj started social reforms in Hindu culture.
  • Political: The fear of opposition from opposing political parties in the Parliament prevents the incumbent government from abusing its power. Alternatively, the existence of numerous political parties and the arguments they hold during election campaigns influence how the average person views the most important problems.
  • Business, innovation, and creativity are all fueled by competition in the economy.
            Ex: The presence of numerous competitors in the telecom industry led to a quicker uptake of 4g            technology in India.
  • Governance: NITI Aayog's competitive federalism produces the finest results.
  • Environmental: The opposition to the industrial revolution gave rise to modern environmentalism.
  • International Relations: The desire for superpower status forces nations to uphold the values of peace.

         Globalization and Covid are further examples.


Competition is not always necessary for Thinking to start.

  • The discovery of gravity by Newton, the discovery of fire by humans, and other examples illustrate how thinking can also occur accidentally and without any particular purpose.
  • Hitler's destructive ideas.

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