Top 10+ DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

DevOps is a term that is now quite popular in the IT industry, but it is much more than just hype. In order to provide a product more quickly and effectively, the development and operations teams collaborate. The number of job postings for DevOps engineers has skyrocketed in recent years. DevOps engineers are in high demand, and multinational corporations such as Google, Facebook, and Amazon often have several unfilled positions. But the DevOps engineer job market is fiercely competitive, and the interview questions can include a wide range of difficult topics. 

Top 10+ DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

If you've finished your DevOps course and are getting ready for roles in development and operations in the IT sector, you are aware that this is a difficult industry to enter into without significant training. As you get ready for DevOps opportunities in the business, you can use these often asked interview questions and answers.

General DevOps Interview Questions

1. What do you know about DevOps?

Software development (Dev) and information technology operations (Ops) are combined in a set of processes and practices known as DevOps to enhance the effectiveness and calibre of software development, delivery, and deployment (Ops).

The main goal of DevOps is to facilitate easy collaboration between the development and operations teams across the whole software development life cycle by encouraging teamwork between them. The software development process is also sped up and error-free thanks to automation, continuous integration, delivery, and deployment.

DevOps also places a strong emphasis on monitoring and feedback, which helps the operations and development teams identify issues early and take proactive measures to address them. Businesses can increase their agility, competitiveness, and overall productivity by utilising DevOps techniques to produce software more quickly, with better quality, and with better teamwork.

2. How is DevOps different from agile methodology?

The culture of DevOps facilitates collaboration between the development and operations teams. As a result, the software is continuously developed, tested, integrated, deployed, and monitored throughout its lifetime.

Top 10+ DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for 2023

Agile is a software development process that prioritises client feedback and iterative, incremental, small, and fast software releases. It resolves disagreements and gaps that arise between developers and customers.

Top 10+ DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

The gaps and disagreements between IT operations and developers are addressed by DevOps.

Top 10+ DevOps Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

3. Which are some of the most popular DevOps tools?

The most popular DevOps tools include:

  • Puppet

  • Chef

  • Git

  • Jenkins

  • Ansible

Read: DevOps Toolbox: Puppet, Chef, Git, Jenkins, and Ansible

4. How will you approach a project that needs to implement DevOps?

The typical methods listed below can be used to a particular project in order to execute DevOps:

Phase 1 entails a two- to three-week evaluation of the current procedure and implementation to pinpoint areas that could use improvement. This allows the team to develop an implementation roadmap.

Phase Two

Make a prototype (PoC) for the idea. The team can begin working on the project plan's actual implementation and rollout after it has been accepted and approved.

Phase Three

The project is now prepared for the step-by-step use of DevOps through version control, integration, testing, deployment, delivery, and monitoring.

The project is now prepared for DevOps implementation because the correct procedures for version control, integration, testing, deployment, delivery, and monitoring were followed.

5. What is the Blue/Green Deployment Pattern?

This kind of continuous deployment is frequently employed to cut down on downtime. Transferring traffic between instances takes place here. We need to replace the outdated code with the updated version of the code in order to include the updated version. 

Blue/Green Deployment Pattern

The original version is found in a blue environment, while the current version is found in a green one. We require a new instance from the old one in order to run the updated instance after making modifications to the prior version.

6. What is Continuous Testing?

Running automated tests as part of the software delivery pipeline to give immediate feedback on the business risks in the most recent release is known as continuous testing. Every build is continuously tested in this way to avoid issues with step-switching in the software delivery life-cycle and to enable development teams to get quick feedback. As a result, a developer's productivity increases significantly faster because there is no longer a need to rerun all of the tests following updates and project rebuilds.

7. What is Automation Testing?

Manual testing versus automated testing Automating a manual operation for the purpose of testing a system or application is known as automation. Using autonomous testing technologies, you can create test scripts for automation that can be executed repeatedly without requiring human intervention.

8. How to automate Testing in the DevOps lifecycle?

Every update made to the source code must be committed by developers to a common DevOps repository.

Jenkins-style continuous integration systems will pull code changes from this shared repository and make them available for continuous testing, which is handled by Selenium-type tools.

9. Why is Continuous Testing important for DevOps?

Continuous Testing allows for instant testing of any changes made to the code. By doing this, worries about quality problems and release delays are avoided, which can happen if big-bang testing is put off until the end of the cycle. Continuous Testing makes it possible for more frequent and high-quality releases.

10. Can you explain the “Shift left to reduce failure” concept in DevOps?

DevOps recommends shifting left to enhance security, performance, and other aspects. As an illustration, let us consider the entire DevOps process. We can say that security is tested before the deployment phase. Using the left shift method, we can incorporate security in the left-hand development phase. [Will be illustrated in a schematic] Not only development but also the phases prior to and during testing can be integrated with. Because errors are found early on, this probably increases security.

Shift left to reduce failure” concept in DevOps

11. Explain the concept of Continuous Integration (CI) and its benefits in DevOps.

Continuous Integration involves automatically merging code changes into a shared repository multiple times a day. It helps detect integration issues early, ensures code consistency, and facilitates faster development cycles by providing rapid feedback to developers.

12. What is Continuous Deployment (CD), and how does it differ from Continuous Delivery?

Continuous Deployment is the practice of automatically deploying every code change to production, while Continuous Delivery involves making every code change ready for deployment. CD aims to minimize manual intervention in the release process, enabling faster and more reliable delivery of features and improvements.

13. Can you explain the concept of Infrastructure as Code (IaC)?

Infrastructure as Code is a DevOps practice that involves managing and provisioning infrastructure through code and automation. It allows for the consistent and repeatable deployment of infrastructure, reduces manual errors, and enhances collaboration between development and operations teams.

14. What are Docker containers, and how do they contribute to a DevOps environment?

Docker containers provide a lightweight and portable way to package and run applications and their dependencies. They contribute to DevOps by ensuring consistency across different environments, simplifying deployment, and promoting scalability.

15. How does DevOps contribute to the security of software applications?

DevOps incorporates security practices throughout the software development lifecycle, emphasizing the concept of DevSecOps. This approach integrates security measures early in the development process, ensuring that security is not an afterthought and minimizing vulnerabilities in the final product.

These sample questions and answers provide a glimpse into the types of inquiries one might encounter during a DevOps job interview. It's important for candidates to tailor their responses based on their unique experiences and expertise.

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