2024 Technology Trends For Fast-Growing Organizations

Starting 2024 with a positive outlook, taking stock of the previous year and setting some goals for the coming year are all appropriate.

Technology Trends
Technology Trends For Fast-Growing Organizations

Furthermore, it's time to assess developments and consider technological trends more widely. According to an early prediction of 2024, artificial intelligence (AI) will play a major role in technology, posing both new opportunities and risks.

Here are four AI-driven trends for the upcoming year that rapidly expanding businesses need to get ready for.

1. Technology will become more human.

We are living in a period of outstanding technological advancement, where computers and software will soon be able to see and hear with sophisticated speech recognition capabilities, making them more human-like. This will significantly change how we use technology in our daily lives.

Not only is it just a passive engagement of typing a response, but for the first time in history, we are considering how to build a system that can hear, understand, and interpret human language as well as write and draw pictures.

The innovative potential to read written text and images was made available with GPT-4. Even though this is useful and amusing, it's time to start thinking about software and technological solutions in terms of this evolution. Small businesses will, as usual, adopt this trend swiftly, and we'll soon witness some creative solutions based on it.

2. Focus on security and protect against increasing threats.

AI revolutionised the globe in 2023, and businesses were pressured to use AI technology as soon as feasible.

Later, worries about possible dangers and security dampened the initial excitement. People quickly realised that there are increased security dangers associated with this exciting new discovery, which we are currently learning how to manage.

Threats to security will only grow as AI technology advances. Businesses will become more aware of the dangers and weaknesses posed by AI. We'll be questioning the integrity of the data used by training models more and more, and eventually we'll be going so far as to inquire about the ethics of the data collection process.

Social engineering attacks will rise as they have in the past due to the increased use of AI. According to a CrowdStrike analysis, identity compromise accounts for 80% of security breaches. Because of this, identity protection is essential to cybersecurity and how businesses defend against new threats.

What does it mean in 2024 for businesses that are expanding quickly? Organisations devoted to security and cutting-edge solutions will proliferate, and small businesses will adapt to meet the increasingly demanding security needs of their clientele by making their products even more resilient.

All tech companies will have their security posture put to the test, not just by large corporations but also by your small business clientele.

3. More AI-augmented development will emerge.

With the release of AI developer efficiency tools like GitHub Copilot and Amazon CodeWhisperer in 2023, this trend got underway. This tendency will undoubtedly pick up speed in 2024 since there will be even more options and variety.

AI-augmented development
AI-augmented development will emerge

Small businesses will swiftly adopt these technologies since they enable them to work faster and create more with fewer resources. These tools help developers write more code, produce unit and UI tests, and transform legacy code. Although GPT-4 can create code with advanced capabilities, this will go much farther because, according to some recent studies, developer productivity will rise dramatically as a result of this trend.

4. Extended reality will go mainstream.

For years now, we've been discussing augmented reality and virtual reality. Although the hardware component took longer to understand than expected, I still believed that this was the technology that would blow up and change the world. However, a revolutionary trend known as mixed reality is emerging, driven primarily by household brands like Apple, who are bringing this technology to a wider audience.

What has spurred this field's growth? The gaming industry has been a major factor in this technology's development. Since the industry is still in its infancy, AI will encourage new game creators to enter it and present a chance for those organisations that can approach it appropriately.

What comes next?

What will happen in the tech industry next? Innovation in AI is happening at a faster rate now and in the future. The four AI and security themes listed above—plus more—will rule in 2024.

Professions are rapidly evolving in response to these developments and adjusting to the new reality. The people at the centre of all these changes will be engineers and IT specialists in particular, who will continually be learning and unlearning in order to keep up with new advancements.

What implications does that have for you and your company? More changes happening faster. As the world around us evolves, keeping up with new trends and technologies becomes essential and part of everyone's job.


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